A couple years ago we have decided to meet with a few archaeologists to discuss post-medieval archaeology. During this informal meeting, we were speaking about post-medieval archaeology and in detail about post-medieval pottery. Later that day we found out that rather than meeting it became a workshop. We realized that we lack something like this on regular basis. The idea came out to organize a conference focused on the archaeology of the post-medieval era. Such conferences should be the platform to meet and discuss different approaches, opinions, and ideas throughout the European regions. We would be really pleased if you would like to join us.
We are very happy to cooperate with other scientists and archaeologists all around Europe. Some of them help us either in organizing the conference or preparing the proceedings and have become members of our board or co-editors of our proceedings. Thank you!

The EUROPA POSTMEDIAEVALIS is a joint project of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences in Prague (www.arup.cas.cz) and the Centre for Proceedings, Documentation and Recording of Archaeological Finds (www.czdean.cz).